Sunday 1 February 2015

Summary draft 1

In the article "Where social media isn't ubiquitous," Levi (2012) brings up two reasons for the lack of prevalence of social media in some areas. The first being lack of support for the native language and the second being the lack of Internet access. There are areas where the 2nd language is supported, allowing the users to gain access, but in other areas, it is purposely omitted to prevent political implications. 

(71 words)

Levi, D. (2012, July 24). Where ISN'T social media ubiquitous? [Web log post].Retrieved from


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Content:
    Overall, the article was well summarised. The main points/ideas of the original author were accurately presented in the summary. The summary writer's views were not written in the summary.

    The summary first began with the title of the article and its author, which clearly tells the reader whose work does this belong to. Signposts were correctly used in the summary which allowed readers to easily understand the thought process of the original author.

    However, the point regarding how social media isn't ubiquitous due to political reasons may not be obvious enough. We believe that by giving an example that is quoted from the article, it will help in presenting the author's original idea more accurately.

    Language Use:
    As mentioned, transitions were accurately used, which gives made it easy for readers to follow the content. The choice of words used were fairly simple, and grammar mistakes were not surfaced.

    Good job for your first summary!

    -Wei Ting
